Are your lips ready for whatever may come your way? Dr Ritu Gupta, specialist dermatologist at Platinum Dermatology invites you to use your imagination for a moment and put yourself into the following scenarios:
- You’re at a party and smiling at an attractive stranger across the room…
- It’s New Year’s Eve, about to strike midnight…
Now imagine a snapshot of these moments with a close-up on your lips.
- Do they look full, sensual, youthful, and ready for a kiss?
- Has the passage of time caused them to become thin and deflated, making you look older than you are?
Don’t let your lips tell the secret of your age! Dr Gupta, an expert injector at Platinum Dermatology uses dermal fillers to enhance your lips by restoring volume and creating a well-defined lip line in an elegant and subtle way.
3 Ways Dermal Fillers Improve the Appearance of Lips
Dermal fillers have been used cosmetically for over a century, becoming safer and more effective every year. Fillers were once used primarily to fill in wrinkles and fine lines caused by ageing. Then, doctors realised that they could be used to augment, not just fill.
This led to the discovery that fillers can be used to enhance the appearance of lips
- Shape
- Structure
- Volume
Top 4 Benefits of Dermal Fillers for Lip Augmentation
When our patients ask us the reasons we use dermal fillers for lip enhancement, we can’t give them one, we have to give them four!
- Better Control Means Better Outcomes – It is easy to control the amount of filler that is injected by syringe which, in turn, allows our doctors to control volumising more precisely. More control over the placement of the filler allows for a more natural looking lip.
- Slow and Steady Wins the Race – Dermal filler injections can be administered slowly over a series of appointments until the right level of fullness has been reached.
- Lumps & Bumps Be Gone – The natural movement of the lips can cause irregularities to appear, but they are easy to treat and dissolve.
- The Injections that Keep On Giving – Though not permanent, the results of lip augmentation injections are long-lasting. Patients at Platinum Dermatology report that the benefits of the treatment last up to six months.
Lip Rejuvenation – Making Your Mouth Beautiful at Any Age
There is no right or wrong age for lip augmentation. Many patients that visit us at Platinum Dermatology are in their twenties. Some were born with naturally thin lips; others may have a naturally flat arch at the top of the mouth (the Cupid’s bow of the lip).
What makes lip augmentation especially appealing to our younger patients is the fact that they can sculpt and shape their lips without undergoing any kind of surgery. The treatment is quick and there is no down time, making lip augmentation a perfect aesthetic enhancement treatment for on-the-go business people from twenty-five to seventy-five.
If you would like to know more about dermal fillers for lip augmentation, cheek augmentation, and other facial rejuvenation procedures, now is the time to call us on 02 8014 6500 or use the contact form on this page to schedule your appointment with Dr Gupta at Platinum Dermatology.